Royal British Legion Trading Ltd would like to make customers aware that the below product.

Voluntary Product Withdrawal Due to Small Parts Hazard.

An important product withdrawal affecting a specific batch of our Poppy Bobbles. This voluntary action is being taken due to quality issues and a potential small parts hazard.

These products were on sale between 08/08/2024 and 21/10/2024.

Products Affected:

AA20L2HACRDBOB (Online) Pack Poppy Hair Bobbles

If you have one of these products, please stop using it immediately and return the product via our customer service centre, details below:

For more information, please contact the customer service team:

UK: 0300 123 9110* or by emailing

* Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:30pm

Royal British Legion Trading Ltd thank you for your co-operation.

Royal British Legion Trading Ltd, 199 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1AA